Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 58

Mm st loves us so mm . It was Out & WS Wdrefe love i i w + Re wehf to & e cross fir ks — person .
W & will 6e out of thi s sawte love for m + k + - ~ e w l cme -vr ( xs — pers o a & dq .

3 The Rapture



It is clear in 1 Thessalonians 4:16a that Jesus Christ Himself will appear . The Bible says ,
1 Thessalonians 4:16a ( 1`IIV ) " For the Lord himsel will come down from heaven , "
Why do you think Christ Himself will personally come down from heaven to gather up the Christians and bring them to himself ?

Mm st loves us so mm . It was Out & WS Wdrefe love i i w + Re wehf to & e cross fir ks — person .

W & will 6e out of thi s sawte love for m + k + - ~ e w l cme -vr ( xs — pers o a & dq .

At the time of the Rapture , Jesus Christ will have one thing in mind : to gather up both those dead and alive who have believed in Him . Like a bridegroom who comes for his bride , or the father looking for his son , Christ Himself will come to gather up His followers . There is no way that Jesus would delegate that task to anyone else . He promised to come for us to welcome us to Himself . When He comes , it will be out of great respect and love . for those of us who have believed in Him .