Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 56

Nom -Tke W ', 1 ( kAppek i K fke `tWi klLI k a
~ f ok eye .' Jn . L -Mesrq ,[ OKiMS + 4-17 1 C *' S Word Prov ~ d ~ s s wig a ~ 6 (~ Slow
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3 The Rapture


The Rapture itself is an incredible event . It will only happen once in history . When it happens it will be the beginning of the end of time as we know it . Although the Rapture will take place with incredible speed , it will be a moment of beauty and power to be remembered for eternity . Even though the Rapture itself will happen quickly , the Bible tells us how the sequence of the events will unfold . There is no clearer Scripture that describes what will happen at the Rapture than 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 —

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1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 ( NIV ) 16 ) " For the Lord himself will come down from heaven , with a loud command , with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God , and the dead in Christ will rise first . 17 ) After that , we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air . And so we will be with the Lord forever . 18 ) Therefore encourage each other with these words .
* Ik " eke verse above " K ove oK t-o pc j e 99 .
Nom -Tke W ', 1 ( kAppek i K fke `tWi klLI k a
~ f ok eye .' Jn . L -Mesrq ,[ OKiMS + 4-17 1 C *' S Word Prov ~ d ~ s s wig a ~ 6 (~ Slow

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