Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 55

` T • YOW i s aaor fr word WC 14C t i f not ' N e * h6 " i K + kR- $ i ble .
The word `rapture ' is often used b hristians in the discussion of the return of Christ . However , tha wor is never mentioned in the BT e . The word `rapture ' is a word taken from a phrase mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4 . It says , h vu afi k-D . A4o — L Yt word , for `wt be Ca t kF I ' s rq * 0 — w icy i K r11C sly i s rA v tore • A ~.
-MO " HT
l . W nON `` tore p Will V A Seri " KAdAk 40maf ~

The Rapture 3



` T • YOW i s aaor fr word WC 14C t i f not ' N e * h6 " i K + kR- $ i ble .

The word `rapture ' is often used b hristians in the discussion of the return of Christ . However , tha wor is never mentioned in the BT e . The word `rapture ' is a word taken from a phrase mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4 . It says , h vu afi k-D . A4o — L Yt word , for `wt be Ca t kF I ' s rq * 0 — w icy i K r11C sly i s rA v tore • A ~.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 ( 1`IIV ) " After that , we who are still alive and are lefto = jotogether with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air . And so we will be with the Lord forever . "

-MO " HT
The word `rapture ' describes the phrase in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 " to be caught up .' The Greek verb here means `to gather up ' or `to seize , to grasp , to snatch up forcibly .' 1 Thessalonians 4:17 tells us that , Christ will return and `gather up ' or `snatch up ' ( or rapture ) all believers . This `gathering up ' will be a miraculous moment in history where Christians will be supernaturally removed and transferred from earth into heaven . When the `Rapture ' occurs it will be one of the greatest moments in eternity .

l . W nON `` tore p Will V A Seri " KAdAk 40maf ~