Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 37

Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return VA


Famines and an Increase in World Hunger

Where there is war there will be famine . Jesus warned that there would not only be wars and rumors of wars at the end of time , but famines as well . He said in Matthew 24:7b —
Matthew 24:7b ( NIV ) " There will be amines ... "

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Mankind has always had to struggle for his food . Without doubt , there has been starvation from earliest times . Jesus seems to be implying that famines will increase as we approach the end . The world ' s resources are depleting fast , and due to war , tribal and ethnic strife and poor distribution , millions of people starve to death every year . Its hard to believe that as we enter the 21st century with all of our technological advancement , people are still starving to death . In fact , the phenomena of famine will only increase , not subside , as Christ prepares to return to this earth .
As you look at our world today , do you see famines on the increase ?

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