Active Shooter
This training emphasizes the importance of advanced preparation. Learn to react in a way that ensures a better
chance of survival. Course topics include the history and rise of Active Shooters, information on types of shooters
and potential motives, response plans from individual and organizational perspectives, discussion of trained vs.
untrained reflexes, and other critical skills.
Contact hours: 3 | Dates: Aug 8 or Nov 17 | Investment: $59 Member / $69 Non-member
Backhoe Operator
This program is designed for field personnel with experience operating equipment or for those who want to learn
the basics of backhoe operation. Students will receive hands-on training conducted in a safe environment. Topics
covered will include: equipment inspection, safe moving and operating procedures, safe excavating procedures,
loading procedures and excavation techniques.
Contact hours: 8 | Dates: TBD, call for dates | Investment: $149 Member / $179 Non-member
Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI)
The CESSWI program and certification, developed by EnviroCert International, Inc., is intended to educate and
train inspectors on federal, state, and local requirements for erosion sediment and storm water inspection.
Inspectors are trained and subsequently certified in construction, post-construction, multi-sector, industrial and
commercial erosion and sediment control and storm water inspections.
Contact hours: 8 | Dates: Jul 18 or Oct 19 | Investment: $295 Member / $355 Non-member
Certificate for Occupational Safety Managers (COSM)
The newest addition to the growing number of safety management programs in the Certified Occupational
Safety Specialist (COSS) family, COSM is an advanced, executive-level safety program consisting of 40 hours
of training. Once students have completed all five sessions and meet the prerequisites, they receive the COSM
credential. Topics include: Essentials of Safety Management; Strategic Planning & Evaluating for Safety Success;
Managing Risks; Communicating the Safety Message; and Preventive Measures & Post-Accident Management.
Prerequisites: Complete all five sessions in a two-year time period; turn in all completed assignments; and Have a
minimum of two years of safety, health or environmental work experience.
Contact hours: 40 | Dates: Sep 26-30 or Dec 12-16 | Investment: $1,899 Member / $2,499 Non-member
Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS)
COSS training is an intensive learning experience that teaches participants how to manage safety effectively
within their organizations. Skills gained in COSS include: calculating the true costs of accidents; identifying
hazards and implementing corrective actions; performing risk assessments for key jobs and procedures; and
developing, implementing and maintaining safety plans. COSS provides safety practitioners with the tools and
techniques they need to make an impact on the safety of their organization.
Contact hours: 40 | Dates: Sep 12-16 or Dec 5-9 | Investment: $1,699 Member / $2,199 Non-member
Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC)
The CPESC program and certification covers several specialties that create site-specific plans and designs
to address erosion and sedimentation issues with cost-effective, environmentally savvy practices that meet
regulatory requirements.
Contact hours: 8 | Dates: Jul 19 or Oct 20 | Investment: $295 Member / $355 Non-member
Coaching the Experienced Driver
This program is for drivers who think they drive defensively. This course is specifically designed to cover collision
prevention techniques in depth. Participants complete and receive a Driver Performance Analysis System (DPAS)
evaluation illustrating their skills based on the following areas: Driver and Traffic Knowledge, Traffic Perceptual
Skills, Traffic Risk, and Driver and Traffic Procedures.
Contact hours: 4 | Dates: Oct 4 or Dec 5 | Investment: $59 Member / $69 Non-member
1.855.4.PSC.411 |