Pacific Island Times May 2020 Vol 4 No. 5 | Page 3

WHAT WE HAVE THIS MONTH Our Cover VOL. 4 GUAM • PALAU CNMI • FSM NO. 5 $1.25 MAY 2020 DIGITAL MIGRATION Covid-19 forces schoo to adopt e-learning. ls Is this the future of education? Business The rise of telew orking Signs of the Times What the world can learn from small Pacific island natio ns Digital migration: The future of education? What happens to the future of CNMI students? A teacher’s lament over the sudden end of thee school year 16-17 19 21 From the Publisher’s Desk Lessons from small island nations 4 Brief Chat Cassie Brady: Farm to table 5 Insights View from the Trench: The new normal Dr. Robert Underwood: A test of leadership Variation: Pandemic predicted BahamasAd3 7/16/07 12:34 PM Page 1 Yo Amti: Addressing the loneliness of the sick elders 6 7 8 9 Court of Public Opinion: The new world disorder Solarizing: The instability of the global oil market 10 11 Military America’s new security challenge 12 Technology The rise of teleworking 14 Around the Pacific Stranded in Marshall Islands Covid loans for the Pacific Overfishing in Palau And now the swine flu 22 23 25 26 Life Lessons: Saying ‘thank you’ before it’s too late Daydream: Running for our lives 27 28 Bookshelf Q&A with Julia Alvarez 28 Travel A half-naked man next door 30 H ow often have you wished that you could read and understand the Bible for yourself? This course is designed to help you gain the security and comfort that comes from knowing and understanding The Bible for yourself. You can complete the lessons at your own pace and use a personal tutor as required. This course is entirely FREE. A BASIC B IBLE S TUDY C OURSE DESIGNED FOR EVERYONE THAT : • Follows the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation • Clearly sets out the teachings of the Bible • Explains the Bible's correct historical setting • Sets out God’s plan and purpose with the earth • Explains the teaching and work of Christ • Provides keys to interpreting Bible prophecy Take this course online at At this site you can also acquire free information, links to other Bible information sites and get prompt answers to your Bible-related questions.