Pacific Island Times May 2020 Vol 4 No. 5 | Page 4
The irony of it all
Lessons from small Pacific islands
rom Wuhan, Covid-19 has em-
barked on its atrocious journey
around the world, reaching as far
as it could get, swirling like a tornado
and leaving carnage along its paths. Ma-
jor cities around the world have become
apparent ghost towns as governments’
social distancing mandates had citizens
locked behind their doors. At this point,
the question is not how many countries
have been infected; rather, how many
countries have been spared. As the Cen-
ter for Diseases Control’s coronavirus
map is widely marked bloody red, the
virgin spots stand out—
most of them are in the
Pacific islands region.
Before the Covid-19 con-
tagion became a pandemic,
world health experts were
worried most about the
small Pacific island coun-
tries, which are typically re-
garded as most susceptible
to any disease contagion.
Negating the idyllic charm
of these tiny tropical islands
is the abysmal inadequacy
of their health care infra-
structures. Seeking treat-
ments from medical specialists is almost
a luxury that only those who can afford
to travel can get. Combine that liability
with their geographical isolation, which
makes it difficult for island communities
to access medical supply and equipment.
Typhoons and other natural disasters
have repeatedly highlighted the islands’
When Covid-19 was just in its nascent
stage, many island communities were
still reeling from the outbreaks of oth-
erwise preventable measles and dengue
fever, a situation that amplified the world
health experts’ apprehension about the
Pacific islands’ ability to deal with yet
another plague. Covid-19 could place
them under enormous strain.
But the Covid-19 pandemic has ex-
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed a
curious irony. While most rich countries
in the West, such as the United States and
Italy, have been worst hit by the Covid-19
pandemic, Pacific island countries continue
to enjoy a coronavirus-free existence.
posed a curious irony. While
most rich countries in the
West, such as the United
States and Italy, have been
worst hit by the Covid-19
pandemic, Pacific island
countries continue to enjoy
a coronavirus-free existence.
Guam, however, is an ex-
emption. It relatively shared
the United States’ false sense
of security and delusion of
immunity. With more than
140 positive cases as of the
last week of April— not
counting the nearly 1,000
cases on the USS Theodore Roosevelt
which is docked in Apra Harbor— Guam
is the region’s hot spot. The CNMI,
Guam’s closest neighbor, has been hit as
According to Lowy Institute, 15
countries have dodged the Covid-19.
Ten of them are in this part of the world.
These include Palau, Marshalls Islands,
the Federated States of Micronesia,
Kiribati, Nauru, Solomon Islands Tonga,
Tuvalu and Vanuatu. If the White House
coronavirus task force’s theory is to be
believed— sunlight, heat and humidity
weaken the coronavirus— perhaps, the
sun shielded the islands from the pan-
Or most likely, it is the awareness of
their own weaknesses that compelled the
island communities to be more proac-
tive. Their early aggressive responses
and preparedness stood in contrast to
the complacency of the West.
Some islands had early drills with
dengue fever and measles outbreaks
from mid-part of 2019 through January.
Samoa was the epicenter of the disease,
with 83 measles-related deaths and
5,600 cases. Before lockdown became
the global norm and “social distancing”
became part of the universal vocabu-
lary, bans on social gathering were in
place in FSM, American Samoa and
By the time Covid-19 got out of Chi-
na, Pacific island governments already
knew what to do. As early as Febru-
ary, most of these jurisdictions began
imposing restrictions on immigration
and travel from China and from high
risk countries. FSM, Marshall Islands
and Palau governments prohibited their
citizens from travelling to China and
other infected countries before closing
their borders altogether.
Most Pacific island nations are tour-
ism-based economies and shutting their
airports is a slayer of the industry. But
when the pandemic dies down and the
world returns to normal, these small
islands will reemerge from the global
plague scathed the least, leaving a les-
son for the word to learn: urgent action
is key to addressing a disaster.
Mar-Vic Cagurangan
[email protected]
Contributing Writers
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Bea Cabrera
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