Cal State Long Beach
MSX Utilities Infrastructure Upgrade CM
Project Overview
The $26 million MSX Utilities Infrastructure Upgrade
project included the expansion of over 5,600 LF of
existing Reclaimed Water systems in the north and
south of the campus. This entailed installation of
pump systems to service the north campus, south
campus, and central plant RW systems. We also
corrected and upgraded drainage deficiencies
throughout the campus at various locations and
upgraded 1,800 LF of Storm Drain piping at the
central campus. The project also included the
replacement of over 16,400 LF of existing direct
buried ductile iron ‘south loop’ heating hot water
distribution system in its entirety, with a pre-
insulated welded steel system, engineered expansion
loops, anchors and equipped with leak detection
system. We also replaced the existing chillers with
two 400-ton chillers and replaced the existing chilled
water, condenser water and heating hot water
pumps. The Library Chiller Plant had HVAC and
lighting upgrades completed during this project.