P2S External Q1 2022 | Page 6

Q1 / 2022 sustainability . The technical side of lighting , mixed with vision and creativity , has always been my strength .


GARY JEWELL Studio Leader
On an elemental level , our eyes need light for vision . It ’ s how we ’ re able to perceive our surroundings and live and work effectively in the indoor environment . But lighting design is much more than just removing the darkness ; it ’ s part art , part science and literally brilliant . We know through experience that lighting can create certain moods , entertain , dazzle , and immerse . Today ’ s specialty lighting designers veer more towards the artistic as organizations move away from cookiecutter lighting schemes and embrace creative lighting that aligns with their values , serves their mission , improves task performance , and delivers a unique experience for users .
Our Specialty Lighting Studio can guide clients through every step of the design process . They can inform clients of the possibilities through conceptual presentations , suggest layouts and optimal fixture selections , create mock-ups and 3D rendering and conduct photometric studies . They ’ re well versed in the latest technologies and use their knowledge and experience to deliver creative lighting design that elevates interior and exterior spaces , improves visual comfort and perception , and enhance the visual environment . We spoke with Studio Leader Gary Jewell and Lighting Designer Ellie Motevalian to learn about their vision for the studio , the different ways light can impact a space , the types of projects they relish the most and how lighting and interior design can intersect to create spaces with an unforgettable atmosphere .
How did the lighting studio form ? What is your mission statement ?
Gary Jewell : Starting a lighting studio has been a goal of mine for many years . We introduced the idea as an incubator initiative , which gave the idea traction . We began advertising shortly after for qualified candidates to join our team . Our mission statement is to integrate creative design solutions that exceed client and user ’ s expectations .
Can you tell us about yourselves and the rest of the team ? Why should clients entrust you to light their spaces ?
GJ : I ’ m a 30-year employee of P2S with a background in power , lighting , and controls design . I ’ ve collaborated on various projects in the educational , commercial , industrial , medical , and high-end residential sectors , all emphasizing

Q1 / 2022 sustainability . The technical side of lighting , mixed with vision and creativity , has always been my strength .

Now let me introduce you to the rest of our team . Ellie joined the team in December 2019 , and she brings many years of creative experience ranging from conceptual designs and renderings for client presentations to complete construction documents . Her expertise includes educational , residential , hospitality , retail , commercial and theme park design projects . Ellie ’ s in-depth knowledge of lighting projects and applications is impressive , making her a leader and invaluable resource for our studio .
Next , we have Archanaa , whose experience includes lighting and power design . Her project experience includes commercial , educational interior and exterior lighting . Her knowledge of architectural daylighting and lighting controls makes her an asset to our group .
Toranj ’ s strong suit is theatrical lighting , although her experience does include lighting design for residential , hospitality , commercial , retail , and assisted living spaces . Toranj currently prepares many of our conceptual lighting designs and client presentations . Each of our team members has unique strengths they bring to the team .
What unique benefits can clients expect from the specialty lighting studio ?
GJ : We use the latest luminaire controls technology to create dynamic and functional spaces that enhance the visual environment . Our skilled designers present detailed lighting concepts to convey design intent and foster ongoing discussions with clients and the design team . Our team works collaboratively with the design team to ensure that lighting concepts are realized and that each project ’ s design and aesthetic challenges are met . We carefully select fixtures based on budget , performance , aesthetics , and ease of maintenance . We use the latest lighting design software to simulate indoor and outdoor illumination levels , adjust fixture orientation to analyze fixture performance and distribution and identify shadows and patterns . Results can be viewed in 2D and rendered to provide an enhanced 3D view .