Oxfordshire, the place to marry Oxfordshire 2019 | Page 19

P O E T RY & READINGS Personalising your ceremony is easy with well chosen poetry and readings You can make your ceremony an even more personal occasion by including a reading, which can either be read by you or a friend or family member. Readings are a fantastic way of summing up what you feel about each other. A wide selection of readings can also be found on the Internet under ‘Civil Weddings Readings and Poems’. The Sonnet by William Shakespeare is a traditional love poem that is always popular at weddings. The lyrical language suits the high emotions you are bound to feel on the day. There is a vast choice of suitable passages or poems from which to select; your only restriction However, if you would prefer something more is that it must not contain any religious references, modern, or your readers are too daunted at the nor, of course, be offensive to anyone attending. prospect of attempting a sonnet, modern poetry offers many options too! Pam Ayres’ comedic If you are finding it difficult choosing a reading, verse warmly and amusingly conveys the reality of sit down together and think about any poems, married life in a way that is bound to bring a smile authors or pieces of writing that you have enjoyed of recognition to everyone who hears it. or that have moved you most. www.squibphotography.co.uk www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/registration 15