Oxfordshire, the place to marry Oxfordshire 2019 | Page 18

C I V I L PA RT N E R S H I P CEREMONY There are several choices available to you when registering your partnership You can keep things simple by registering your civil partnership, which will consist of the declaration below and the signing of the schedule or you can opt to have a ceremony as well. The choice is yours. LEGAL DECLARATION which must be read, repeated or acknowledged by each partner: • I  declare that I know of no legal reason why we many not register as each other’s civil partner. I understand that on signing this document we will be forming a civil partnership with each other. PROMISES • I will seek to build a strong, loving relationship based on kindness, understanding and trust that are already part of us both. • I promise to share my life with you as an equal partner, and to ensure that our love and friendship continue to grow. • I promise to love you in good times and bad, to cherish and care for you, to live with you in love and harmony, whatever the future may bring • I promise to love you above all others, to cherish and respect you throughout our lives together. www.wallingfordportraits.co.uk 14 OXFORDSHIRE: THE PLACE TO CELEBRATE