Ownit Magazine #2 - Sept-Okt. 2017 | Page 24

Dayna's advice to women, in particular, is to be at peace with their identity, with their self-worth, and their purpose. That conviction enables the magic to happen. "This is when we truly feel our own identity, feel our purpose, and our full potential," Dayna explains.

"Each of us is here on this earth with certain innate talents and abilities, things that come naturally and that we are good at. My talents and abilities may not be the same as the next person's, but all gifts and talents are needed to build, inspire, and lift one another. When we bring together our talents and passions, we can make something more powerful than we ever could on our own. Knowing your own talents and also appreciating the need for the talents of others is when you find your true purpose."

"The trick is getting to the spot where you choose to do the daily work because you see the beauty of it in the end. You see the work you're creating as a whole."
Dayna Young