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{ program notes
Jo s e ph Meye rho ff Sym pho ny Hall
Off the Cuff: The Rite of Spring
Saturday, January 10, 2015 — 7p.m.
Marin Alsop, Conductor
Igor Stravinsky
The Rite of Spring, Le Sacre du printemps
Part I: The Adoration of the Earth
Part II: The Sacrifice
The concert will end at approximately 8:15 p.m.
The Wagner Tuben used in this concert are a gift from Beth Green Pierce
in memory of her father, Elwood I. Green.
Support for today's performance is provided
by the Governing Members of the BSO
Marin Alsop
For Marin Alsop’s bio., please see pg. 7.
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About the concert:
For notes on the program, see pg. 22.
The Off the Cuff series is an opportunity
for Maestra Alsop to explore the back
story of some of the most celebrated
works in classical music. The programs,
which usually last about 90 minutes,
begin with Maestra Alsop describing the
chosen piece, its history, and its position
within the broader world of classical
music. She then breaks down passages,
showing how themes and motifs carry
through the work, often calling upon the
orchestra to illustrate her points. Finally,
the audience is treated to a performance
of the piece in its entirety.
Dave H o ffman n
The Hearing and
Speech Agency
Alsop: Off the Cuff