People on Earth
Robyn K.
Let's kill Mother Earth, let's commit
matricide in the most subtle way.
In a way, she thinks Father Time is killing
her. Yes. Let's make him the scapegoat. Let's give her a fever she just. Can't. Get.
Down. She can't even get a cold rag on
to cool her down since everything's
so. Warm.
Say it's Time that warmed her up too
much, he was just trying to melt her cold
icy heart, right? It was an accident,
nothing could've prevented it. Let's beat her wooden tan down, stab
her wooden windpipes and leave
emptiness in her heart so much that we
begin to hurt ourselves, but Mama's still
trying to keep us all breathing.
Yes, Mother Earth, Father didn't mean to
kill you- we'll say as we slowly poison her
blood day by day. Poison her clear blood
so slowly, that black lesions aren't
noticed until we say Mom can heal on
her own. She's been through worse.
Mama Earth hides the pain, she knows
her children are really killing her- but
what Mother wants to believe the lover
her children have is not the kind of love
that gives back. We do not lover in a
symbiotic way- we Are. Her. PARASITE.
We used to love her. Some of us anyway.
Children who cared for her, respected
her, didn't cause her pain, and when we
did we were children who not only
apologised for what we did but fixed
her pain.
Bruise her green skin with a little litter-
bruise her so much Mama Earth thinks
she got Leukaemia.
We don't deserve her help, we've abused
her so much that when we eventually
abuse ourselves we expect Mama to
come save us as if we haven't hurt her.
Let's kill Mother Earth, in a way that kills us too.