Over the Bow Volume 80 Issue 1 2021_v2 | Page 15


Jersey State Police and Woodbridge Police in Woodbridge , New Jersey

Operations Officer of USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 014-04-04 , John Eberhardt , Commander of the North Jersey Young Marines and AUX- PAIII for USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 04-04 , and Sgt Peter Pfeifer of the NJ State Police . Participants included Unites States Coast Guard MK2 Dylan Sierpinski and MK3 Ryan Joshua of Sector New York , Woodbridge PD officers Mark Zeno and Nirav Patel , New Jersey State Police Sgt . Peter Pfeifer , Sgt . Kenneth Kokaska and Trooper Anthony Buro of Carteret Marine Station .
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary members of Flotilla 014-04-04 Tony Taveras VFC , George Reilly , Operations Staff Officer , Art Karacsony , Human Resources staff officer , Mike Rebeck , Member Training staff officer and seasoned coxswain Jim Crincoli , Yasar Chaudhry , Materials staff officer and the North Jersey Young Marines YM-LCPL Kress , YM- LCPL A . Engroff , YM-LCPL Wishney , and LCPL H . Engroff .
Bottom : Mayor John E . McCormac of Woodridge Township speaks to a local TV station about Safe Boating Week . Members of Seawaren Flotilla are shown in the photo .