Over The Bow Volume 79 Issue 1 Fall 2020 | Page 4

"It does not seem possible that these two years and my term as your Commodore are coming to a close! We have weathered some unusual storms and braved some high seas over these past two years. In January 2019 we had a government shutdown that saw all the planning, sweat and hard work for the combined D-Train go up in smoke! But we persevered!"

We established our first Regional Based Training classes specific to the four regions of our two Sectors. They were put together in minimal time with great enthusiasm and professionalism by our four District Captains, and they were successful! In place of our awards being presented at the cancelled D-Train we established our first ever District Awards Banquet. This was more of a success than we could have imagined with over 130 members in attendance. Due to the success and subsequent great reviews we will continue holding Awards Banquets into the future.

Once the shutdown was over our members jumped into doing what they do best, their jobs! Operations, both surface and air were back to normal and we hit the deck running. We finished the year with yet another well attended and successful Combined District Leadership Academy.

Then came 2020. As plans were completed for our combined D-Train in Newport, RI we were hit with the loss of our travel funds. Chief of Staff, Mark Stone and then DSO-FN, Peter Byrne worked diligently with our then Director, Commander Bill Grossman to provide funds necessary to allow members to attend and be reimbursed for their travel and rooms. We also were able to use district funds to pay our share of the costs, but due to the turnout we not only covered all costs, but both D1NR and D1SR received minor refunds! This is a tribute to all our members who took the time and effort to help, instruct, organize and attend the various events offered. Immediately following our D-Train the COVID-19 pandemic hit us hard, especially in New York City, Southwestern CT and Northern NJ. The entire country shut down. Schools closed, businesses shuttered, and hospitals were overwhelmed. We, the Auxiliary were ordered to stand down all activities. In addition, we unfortunately lost members to this deadly virus. Our hearts go out to our shipmates and their families. Again you stepped up and created online meetings and training and have kept us moving forward.

We have since seen four phases of reconstituting of Auxiliary activities. We were able to do a little more with each phase. Upon request, Chief of Staff Stone and I authored a report to the District Commander including the missions we deemed crucial and necessary for the Auxiliary to continue doing. I am pleased to report that each phase that came out included items form our request.

As our Director, Commander Bill Grossman retired, we wished him fair winds and following seas in his journey into his new job. We also welcomed aboard our new Director, Commander Micah Bonner. He has been active, responsive and a great advocate since day one of his arrival. We look forward to working with him.

Our District elections were held on 3 October.

Chief of Staff, Mark Stone was elected as your next District Commodore. District Captain, Sector NY North, Michael West was elected as your next DCOS. Peter Byrne was elected as District Captain, Sector New York North. District Captain, Sector NY South, Manny Fuchs was re-elected for a second term as was District Captain, Sector LIS South, Haig Dick. David Thiede, DCDR Division 25 was elected as District Captain, Sector LIS North. A great team with good foresight and lots of enthusiasm to continue making things better for the members, to provide the opportunities for advancement and success. Now, Go Do Good Things!

Bill Bowen

COMO Bill Bowen

District Commodore

First Southern District


Bill Bowen

Bill Bowen

District Commodore

First Southern District

District Commodore's Message