Over The Bow Volume 79 Issue 1 Fall 2020 | Page 18


The purpose of Strategic Thinking in the Auxiliary is to provide staff officers with a framework for running their respective programs. This course covered how to effectively build core competencies, how to plan events, establish partnerships with local agencies, and build teams. We covered how to appropriately recognize top-performing members.

"Serving as an instructor at our Staff Officer College was an incredibly rewarding experience. I am fortunate that I had the ability to create and tailor a course on strategic thinking, which is an important skill set at all levels of the organization. Several students have provided feedback that the course was not only helpful from a theoretical perspective, but that it provided a framework for change and improvement at the deckplate level. I'm proud of the graduates for their participation, and glad that we could make a real difference in the Auxiliary." Michael

Michael Barth VCDR

District Awards Coordinator

Joe Antonacaccio


Mike Gabriel

DDC - Prevention


This course discussed the importance of Planning and Communications within the Auxiliary. During this informative session we will discuss how best to plan activities and communicate those plans, requirements and expectations across multiple chains, to the gold side and across a diverse group of members.

" My experience with zoom was overall positive, as in the classroom it takes a little creativity to balance the message with managing boredom. I think I was able to get that down before the first class and it seemed successful. As long as the class was practiced in advance there were no surprises on the technical side as well. hope it will be the presentation that keeps on giving...lol." Joe