This course presented powerful data visualization tools for assessing Flotilla performance. These include Local Unit Charted Information (LUCI), Flotilla Mapping and Flotilla Analysis.
"I presented three metrics applications that I first developed several years ago soon after I was assigned to National Staff. I had been presenting these at D1SR's Leadership Development Academy, and decided that they could also be a good fit for the inaugural Staff Officers' College. So it proved!" Pete
Student Comments
Peter Jensen
Assistant National Commodore FORCECOM
Lynn Enny
This course introduced you to the newly launched AUXDATA II program and the ways in which you as a staff officer can use the available data from the system to manage your members and program areas.
"As the DSO-IS officer for the District, I was eager to spread information about the new AUXDATA II program. The program is designed for all members to be able to have access to his/her own information. It also is a great tool for staff officers to assist members and their Flotilla with regards to qualifications and tasks. The Staff Officer College allowed me to present an overview of the program so members and staff officers feel more comfortable with the program and use it. The goal is to have as many members and staff officers use the program for the designed purpose of meeting the member's needs.” Lynn