Over fishing - Empty Nets First Issue | Page 10


Safe Catch Limits

IMaknig worldwide catch shares, or limtis is a fish management approach allowing marine ecosystems to recover while also sparing the livelhood of communties in devloping countries so their economy does not collapse. Tihs approach involved making a total allowable catch number, or a qouta using scientific data on the area purely. For this to work, these qoutas much be riogurasly . The catch limits established much also be consderably lower then the maximum sustainable yeild.

Although fish are at the brink of the ecological tipping point (completely unrecoverable), it is possible to reverse most of the damage done by overfishing althgouh it will take centuries of strict protocals and international agreements to preserve ocean ecosystems.


6 ways to end overfishing

verfishing has already effects the majority of the large species of fish, and as these fish become extinct fisherman are begining to shift to smaller fish lower in the food web.