Outsmart Insomnia Protocol PDF / Book Free Download Outsmart Insomnia Protocol Book Free Download | Page 28

Light therapy is a treatment used for people who suffer from certain sleep disorders called circadian rhythm disorders. The word “circadian” means to occur in a cycle of about 24 hours. This particular rhythm has to do with the function of darkness and light rather than the actual time of day. Circadian rhythms affect how you feel sleepy or alert at regular times every day. This, in conjunction with your internal clock, tells you when it’s time to be asleep and when it’s time to be awake. People with a circadian rhythm sleep disorder have their natural sleep time overlap their regular awake activities. Your clock is “set” by your exposure to bright light such as sunlight. There are other factors as well, but this is the concept that Light therapy is based upon. The goal is to combine a healthy sleep pattern with an internal clock that is set at the right time. Then good sleep can occur. Light therapy can “re-set” a clock that is not operating correctly. The procedure is very simple and safe, but a person should check with their doctor before embarking upon this therapy. The person receives this therapy by sitting a few feet away from a box-like device that emits bright fluorescent light. He sits in front of the light, at a specified distance, for approximately 30-60 minutes after waking in the morning. Timing of this therapy really depends on the type of insomnia of the individual. An example would be people who can’t sleep at night when they go to bed. Light therapy in the morning and restricting bright light at night may be helpful. Bright light therapy can be done at home with the use of a light box. The light box emits a standard dosage of white light but should always be used within the proper limits for light intensity and duration of exposure.