Outsmart Insomnia Protocol PDF / Book Free Download Outsmart Insomnia Protocol Book Free Download | Page 23
Chapter 3
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Progressive Muscle Relaxation is one of the simplest techniques for relaxation. It
teaches you to relax your muscles with an easy two-step process. When you
realize that physical relaxation brings mental calmness, you will understand why
this works.
First you should consult with your physician for if you have a history of serious
injuries, back problems or other muscular problems, doing these exercises can
exacerbate pre-existing conditions. If you do these procedures against your
doctor’s advice, you do so at your own risk.
The two steps in this self-administered procedure are deliberately tensing muscle
groups, then releasing the induced tension. Once you learn the procedure, you
should spend 10 minutes a day practicing a shortened form of the routine to say
in practice. For the first week, it is recommended that you practice the full routine
twice a day before moving on to the shortened form.
When you practice, it’s wise to follow these suggestions:
Practice in a quiet place with no distractions, not even background
2) Wear loose clothing
3) Remove your shoes
4) Don’t drink, eat or smoke right before practice