OutFocus December 2014 | Page 17

SERIES series finale continuous training or by few sudden moments. For example cheating in an exam may not induce the consciousness, but a death of 5 children in an accident would sink it. It keeps haunting you deep within your mind. Dreams, thoughts or by whatever methods it can. That›s how we believe it is designed.” does preserving my consciousness help me if there is no physical entity?” My professor again. smiled enclosing it in a jar of chemicals and the proper nerve impulses are provided by a supercomputer.” ”Is it possible?” ”Well, Brilliant enough. ”It is not about how; it Do you know about the is about what happens brain in vat concept ?” next? Given proper impulses, would your ”No.” brain be able to ”To put it simply, it distinguish between considers any entity whether it is in a jar of ”So if Post Humans kills could control your brain chemicals or it is in your us, there would be no just by simply removing skull ? What would be physical entity. How from the body and reality then?” 17