OutFocus December 2014 | Page 16

SERIES 16 ”But, still ...” ”Now, without opening My professor smiled your eyes try touching again. ”We believe that Post your left thumb with Humans would destroy ”We believe that right thumb” us. They would kill the each one of us has a human society before ”How did you do that?” unique consciousness. we could experimenting Our evolution has ”Consciousness?” them. Few initial victories always trimmed down don’t mean that we won My professor smiled consciousness in a again. the war.” mysterious way. It makes us connect to the people, ”But why preserve ”Now close your eyes help them, pray for them consciousness?” I asked. again” at the same time kill ”Now again without them. We also believe My professor smiled. opening your eyes try that these Post Humans ”What is consciousness?” touching my left thumb if they win the war they ”It is something deep with your right thumb” would need time to inside us.” evolve, to understand ”I can›t” their consciousness, just My professor smiled ”Open your eyes.” like our human kind.” again. ”What do you infer?” ”I am still not getting it” ”Close your eyes» ”I am conscious enough ”Our consciousness ”Now, your left hand to sense myself.” could be cheated by up.” LAST. 6 HAU