A few years ago I had this strange - though oddly rewarding - fixation with Holga cameras.
These are cheaply-made medium format film cameras that look like something you’d
get from a Christmas cracker. (The Holga being both the prize and the joke...) This shot
of a young lad was taken on the Holga during a stroll around the streets of Stone Town
in Zanzibar. The image quality is dreadful - look at that pincushion distortion! - but the
expression of joy on the boy’s face always makes me smile. Sadly he was disappointed a
few moments later when he reaslised that the Holga didn’t have an LCD screen. I got the
feeling he was a discerning chap who preferred more sensible tourists who owned proper
Next issue’s theme:
The Dizzy Heights
6 Outdoor focus | summer 2017