New associate members
OWPG is proud to welcome two new associate members this month
onway, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, is
hugely proud to be a member of the Outdoor
Writers’ and Photographers’ Guild.
As a publisher, we focus on books that open up
the world through tales of contemporary and historical
exploration and adventure, practical camping, walking
and outdoors guides, survival manuals and spine-tingling
accounts of polar exploration. We also publish exquisite
books celebrating our heritage, railways and transport
systems, maps and mapping, as well as the outdoors in
all its wonderful variety.
Recent books have included Ray Mears’ Out on the
Land, Stephen Neale’s Wild Camping (following on from
his hugely popular Camping by the Waterside), Martin
Dorey’s The Camper Van Bible, and Crafted in Britain
by Anthony Burton and Rob Scott.
We have lots of exciting projects underway, and are
looking forward to meeting many more talented authors
with a similar passion for all things outdoors. ction/travel-and-adventure
atagonia grew out of a small company that
originally made tools for climbers. Today alpinism
remains at the heart of a business that still makes
clothes for climbing as well as for skiing, snowboarding,
surfi ng, fl y fi shing, paddling and trail running. These are
all silent sports. None require a motor but in each
sport, reward comes in the form of hard-won grace and
moments of connection between us and nature.
At Patagonia, a love of wild and beautiful places
demands participation in the fi ght to save them,
and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall
environmental health of our planet we donate our time,
services and at least 1% of our sales to hundreds of
grassroots environmental groups all over the world
who work to help reverse the tide. We know that our
business activity – from lighting stores to dyeing shirts
– creates pollution and damage as a by-product, so we
work steadily to reduce those harms. For example we
use recyc led polyester in many of our clothes and only
organic, rather than pesticide-intensive cotton. In today’s
world our values are ones that resonant with many, and
we hope by communicating our mission statement – the
reason for our being – we can educate and encourage
others to lead a more examined life, look for alternatives
in the fi ght against the environmental crisis and empower
those with a shared love for the outdoors to stand up for
what they believe in.
summer 2017 | Outdoor focus 3