o u t d o o r
summer 2017
David Taylor
nspiration is a strange thing. It can
lurk Cato-like and spring out at you
when you least expect it. Or it can be a
slow, cumulative process that steadily
works its magic on you. Music is one of
my inspirations. I find it hard to work at
a PC keyboard without music playing
in the background – though what music
works depends on whether I’m writing or
processing photos for some odd reason.
Even odder is that music is an unwanted
distraction outdoors; I’d much rather listen
to the sounds and rhythms of the natural
world when standing next to a tripod.
In this issue of Outdoor Focus. Kev
Reynolds describes a teacher who
inspired his love of nature; Laurence Main
discusses the ‘Mother of the Isles’ and
the role she plays in his life; and, in the
Gallery, three people who inspired three
OWPG photographers to pause and make
a photo.
Perhaps most inspiring of all though
is the prospect of this year’s OWPG AGM
weekend at the Newlands Adventure
Centre in the Lake District. Good
company, good food and good walking.
Doesn’t the thought of that sound good?
Find out more in the four-page spread at
the centre of this issue.
If you’d like to submit ideas for articles
for the autumn issue please contact me
for further details. The deadline for all
contributions is 15 August.
Cover shot
Karen Frenkel
Walkers along Baslow
Edge in the Peak
District one August
morning with the
heather in full bloom.
3 / New associate members
OWPG welcomes two new
associate members this month:
Conway and Patagonia.
4 / Gallery
The monthly themed gallery
showcasing the works of OWPG’s
photographers. This month’s
theme: A Friendly Face.
7 / OWPG AGM Weekend
Your four-page guide to the this
year’s AGM weekend at the
Newlands Adventure Centre,
11 / Taking a Peak or Two
James Forrest on Challenge446
and his bid to climb every mountain in
England and Wales in just six months
to help mend our mountains.
12 / Book reviews
Roly Smith reviews Walking
the Pilgrims’ Way, Walking the
Snowdonia Way, Walking the Song
and Dark Peak Walks.
14 / I really couldn’t do without...
OWPG writers on those treasured
pieces of equipment they could
never leave home without.
15 / Wordsmith
Kev Reynolds, the man with the
world’s best job, writes about the
inspirational ‘Skip’ Seymour.
16 / Main Man
Laurence Main writes about the
Mother of the Isles, his friend Jill
1 Sunrise time 04.48
Sunrise direction 52°
15 Sunrise time 04.42
Sunrise direction 49°
Sunset time 21.08
Sunset direction 309°
Sunset time 21.19
Sunset direction 311°
1 Sunrise time 04.47
Sunrise direction 50°
15 Sunrise time 05.01
Sunrise direction 53°
Sunset time 21.20
Sunset direction 310°
Sunset time 21.11
Sunset direction 307°
1 Sunrise time 05.24
Sunrise direction 59°
15 Sunrise time 05.46
Sunrise direction 66°
Sunset time 20.48
Sunset direction 301°
Sunset time 20.22
Sunset direction 294°
Sunset/Sunrise times and direction correct for London. Times in BST
The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based
association of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor
subjects. Our members cover every fi eld of activity and all corners of
the globe. They include writers, journalists, fi lm makers, photographers,
publishers and editors, all with a passionate interest in the outdoors. For
more information visit www.owpg.org.uk
2 Outdoor focus | summer 2017
Editing/design: David Taylor
[email protected]
ISSN 2043-8591 (print)
ISSN 2043-8605 (online)