Outdoor Focus Autumn 2021 Autumn 2021 | Page 3


Membership renewals

Time �lies – if you do , you ' ll �ind that six of the nasty little critters can get from your open window to your freshly baked cream cake in roughly 1.75 seconds . Or looking at it another way , subs for the Guild are falling due again at the end of September . Yes , can it possibly be so soon ? Members will be getting a renewal reminder on or around 10
September . If you don ' t hear from our Membership Secretary , then either you ' re a Life Member or else Ronald has your wrong email address . The sub for 2021-22 is unchanged , at £ 80 , or £ 75 if you pay on or before the due date of 30th September . Our bank details are also unchanged ( account number ending 868 ).

New members

Martin Andrew Russell Moorhouse

Bit of a fraud in this section , I ’ m afraid , as I only recently found out that my membership had lapsed a year or two ago . An architectural and landscape historian
specialising in the built heritage , I joined as long ago as April 1991 and am delighted to be back in the fold . I ’ ve been walks-writing since the mid-1980s and my �irst book was Discovering the English Lowlands ( Crowood 1991 ) with photographs by John Cleare . Various others followed interspersing walks published in magazines like TGO and Country Walking , including the Collins Rambler ’ s Guide : The Chilterns and Ridgeway ( 2001 ). My latest book is a new take on the ‘ great outdoors ’ and follows me and my oldest friend in a small rowing boat down the rivers Severn and Loire . It ’ s called Two men in a Boat Rowing Two Rivers ( Journey Books 2021 ).
Email gmartin . andrew @ btinternet . com
I am Russell Moorhouse and am currently on year long adventure to become the �irst person to Wild Camp on all the 214 Wainwright ’ s . I am spreading the camps out evenly across all four seasons and have had some epic camps so far , a bivvy on a three foot ledge on Jack ’ s Rake , a night in a cave on Bannerdale Crags and a hammock camp on Dodd with a view of Derwent water as a backdrop .
Find Russell on social media using @ amountainbivvy outdoor focus / autumn 2021 3