From the editor ...
David Taylor
{ { {
Sunrise time 06.13 direction 76 °
Sunset time 19.46 direction 284 °
Sunrise time 07.01 direction 94 °
Sunset time 18.37 direction 265 °
Sunrise time 06.54 direction 113 °
Sunset time 16.33 direction 247 °
Third Quarter 30 August
Full 21 September
Autumn 2021
Thanks to you know what , there hasn ’ t been an OWPG Big Weekend get together since 2019 . At the time of writing this there is just over a month until the start of the 2021 gathering . There has been a bumper number of bookings , so it promises to be a very special weekend indeed . I ’ m looking forward to the chance to catch up with everyone and to meet members who ’ ve joined recently .
Moon phases / Sep-Nov 2021
New 7 September
Third Quarter 29 September
Sunrise time 06.35 direction 84 °
Sunset time 19.14 direction 275 °
Sunrise time 07.24 direction 103 °
Sunset time 18.06 direction 257 °
Sunrise time 07.18 direction 120 °
Sunset time 16.10 direction 240 °
( Times correct for London )
First Quarter 13 September
New 6 October
3 News
Meet new members Martin Andrew and Russell Moorhouse , and a reminder that renewal time is almost upon us
4 8 10
Everest recalled
Peter Gillman is on top of the world when he edits a twovolume anthology about early Everest expeditions
Musical notes
What links Maurice Ravel to the Fun Lovin ’ Criminals ? OWPG members pick pertinent pieces of music
‘ Mr Peak District ’ honoured
The Peak District National Park celebrates its 70 th birthday , and has honoured an OWPG member with an online profile
11 Wordsmith
Kev Reynolds would like to have his cake and eat it …
12 15 16
Book Reviews
Roly Smith reviews the latest outdoor publications , including Hamish MacInnes : The Fox of Glencoe
Favourite views
David Taylor describes one of his favourites views : Sycamore Gap in Hadrian ’ s Wall Country
Big weekend
Useful information for members travelling to Malham for this year ’ s Big Weekend
First Quarter 13 October
New 4 November
Full 20 October
First Quarter 11 November
Third Quarter 28 October
Full 19 November
Gordale Scar near Malham Tarn , location for this year ’ s Big Weekend . For more information about the event see page 16 and the OWPG website
4 10
If you ’ d like to contribute to the next edition of Outdoor Focus please send an email with your article idea to davidtphoto @ gmail . com . The copy deadline is 15 November 2021 .
Editing / design David Taylor
ISSN 2043-8591 print
ISSN 2043-8605 online
The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based association of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor subjects . Our members cover every �ield of activity and all corners of the globe . They include writers , journalists , �ilm makers , photographers , publishers and editors , all with a passionate interest in the outdoors . For more information visit www . owpg . org . uk .
All images and text copyright the authors . Unauthorised use and / or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited .
2 outdoor focus / autumn 2021