Outdoor Central Oregon Issue 1 | October/November 2017 | Page 14

14 Quick Facts: Age: 18 Hometown: Redmond, Washington Home Crag: Smith Rock State Park Hardest Repoint: 5.14D, first ascent, “The Assasin”, Smith Rock Sponsors: Tenaya (shoes), Trango (hardware & harnesses) “You couldn’t meet a nicer, smarter kid, who is totally dedicated to his sport. 4.0 student, no drugs, watches his diet for proper training nutri- tion, and trains like a fiend. You should also know that all the Youth kids that I know are like this. Totally dedicated to the sport. And they are all super sportsmen. They support each other to a flaw, including the kids on other teams. It is really cool to go to a big comp and see the kids and their family members supporting the kid that is climbing at the current time. No soccer parents in competitive climbing”. -Don Mason Professional Photographer/Climber P: Tara Kerzhner L: Smith Rock State Park