January 2015 | Issue 3.2 | OutBoise.com
NEWS | OutBoise Magazine | 21
Carlie Young - Coach (Heart &
Core Training Studio) and sponsored athlete (Jax Nutrition & TS
FiT). Has been training for 4 years.
Another struggle individuals find themselves facing is supplementation. What exactly does the
body need and require for an active lifestyle and to accomplish fitness goals? Tim Jolicoeur from
Nutrishop Boise, explains that being pressured or by the tradition to lose weight is the case for those
with this complicating resolution.
“People go into supplement stores looking for answers, but don’t realize that employees are
not focused on that person’s goals or trying to educate them, instead they are just interested in the
sale,” he said.
Like Cafferty, he agrees that the most important aspect of losing weight is monitoring your
diet. “Proper nutrition is not sexy, but it is what works. As what usually happens is they spend a ton
of money on gyms and supplements but rarely change their diet,” he said.
Jolicieur’s emphasis is ensuring that customers are being educated rather than spending an
average of $70-200 of supplements that have little to no affect on their needs. In addition to working with customers, the business offers free meal plans.
“As far as supplementation goes, stick to the basics,” said Cafferty. He recommends Creatine,
BCAA’s, Multi- Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Caffeine as some staples
to have. “Find brands that outsource testing on their products to ensure quality,” he said.
In regards to finding the perfect gym, individuals should find the most convenient location and
training environment that’s motivating and encouraging for you to go and get in a great work out.
“If you drive by your gym on the way home it’s really easy to pull in and make exercising a part of
your lifestyle,” he said.
For beginners, a private gym might be the answer. The ability to go workout with a professional in a private atmosphere might be more encouraging than walking into a commercial gym. If
commercial gyms are what you sought out for, encourage others to go and train with you. This will
ensure that both of you are accountable for being there for one another. Of course the last resort
would be to participate in some of the gym’s athletic classes. When doing this, remember your
level of fitness and work with weight you are comfortable with.
Nutrishop Boise is located at 1265 S Capitol BLVD Suite 102. Business hours are Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
photos in this article used with permission from photographers and/or the person photographed.
Story by Eteve Molina