January 2015 | Issue 3.2 | OutBoise.com
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photo: Jonathan Smith - Sponsored Athlete at
Newko Sports Nutrition Meridian and Certified
Personal Trainer Axiom Fitness.
With the holidays just around the corner, folks who have been gorging themselves with all
the holiday goodies have one thing in mind, the New Year’s resolution “to lose weight and work
for that body that they have been wanting year after year.” This may be one of the most desired
and attempted of New Year resolutions, it is one of the most failed resolutions.
How difficult can it be to get in shape and shed away those Holiday pounds? According to
a study completed by the University of Sranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, losing weight tops
the list for New Year’s Resolutions (2014). In that same study, about 1 percent of those who make
resolutions will be successful.
“Often times they are attempting to lose weight because they feel guilty from being
lazy and eating and drinking in excess throughout the holidays,” Eric Cafferty, of Peak Performance said. According to Cafferty, people attempting to lose weight at the beginning of the
New Year are not intrinsically motivated enough.
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