OutBoise Magazine - August 2015 | Page 28

28  |  OutBoise Magazine  | NEWS OutBoise.com | Issue 10.1 | August 2015 Downtime Detox: Healthy Ways to Revive Your Summer Spirit by Mikey Rox We’re just about halfway through summer, and chances are you’ve worn yourself out – even though you don’t dare show it. Secret’s safe, playboys (and girls). But here are a few healthy ways to recoup and reenergize just in case. Cut Back on the Booze, Hound If you have even a smidge of a social life, you can find a shindig just about every weekend during the summer – whether it be at your BFF’s barbecue, hanging by the pool at a friend of a friend’s, or dancing the night away at your favorite club. And what’s a party without a few cocktails, right? The problem is that too much of a good thing will start to take its toll on your body, and fast. Not only will the alcohol and resulting hangover make you sluggish, but you’ll interrupt your normal sleep cycle, make poorer food choices, and likely skip the gym. If this scenario sounds familiar, it’s time to cut back on the booze – or go cold turkey for a week (I did it for four months; it’s not that hard!) – and find more productive activities in which to engage that don’t involve inebriation. Replace Go, Go, Go With No, No No Along with all those parties, there’s a million other things you probably enjoy during the summer – like exercising outside, taking the dog on adventures, hitting the beach and shopping summer sales – but every now and then you need to slow down. Life doesn’t have to move a mile a minute from May to September just because it’s warm out. Believe it or not, it’s perfectly acceptable to tell your friends that you won’t be going out for the fourth night in a row. They’ll survive your absence – trust me – and you can enjoy time to yourself catching up on your DVR, reading your magazines, or whatever it is you like to do to unwind when you’re alone. Perv. Stick to Clean Eating as Best You Can Personally I find it much harder to eat clea