39 | OutBoise Magazine | NEWS
OutBoise: What inspires you the most?
Suzie: “People, hands down. They are so
strange and beautiful. I love meeting the characters of the world. I love meeting the weirdos
and the outcasts. Their stories and personalities
amaze me and inspire me to create.”
OutBoise: What would you be doing, if not art?
Suzie: “I would love to be a teacher.”
OutBoise: What is something you’ve always
wanted to do, but were afraid to?
Suzie: “I’ve always wanted to sell everything I
own and just travel and make art.”
OutBoise: How do you feel about helping out
ALPHA & Forever Red?
Suzie: “I love the idea of helping ALPHA and
Forever Red. I want to be more involved soon,
“Having a place that people can be tested for
AIDS and educated on how to prevent and treat
the illness is extremely important in a budding
community like Boise. Information and education is by far the most important part of being
a progressive society and we need to be heavily
involved as local artists and community leaders.”
OutBoisemag.com | Issue 18 | April 2016
On and off the Canvas