Out of the Woodwork | Page 40

The second section of our time spent in the Southwest will be spent rock climbing at Cochise Stronghold in Arizona. Regarded as one of the best climbing areas in the country, our time spent training in this location will help us to develop into responsible, competent, and confident climbers.

Completion of the climbing section will mark the end of our time spent in the Southwest. Once we have re-stocked supplies and cleaned our gear, we'll fly up to NOLS Pacific Northwest in Washington State for our third section. Continuing north by sea kayak we'll make our way to British Columbia's southern coast, a world of sandy beaches and tidal lagoons.

Exploring this Canadian island archipelago and observing its flora and fauna is what I am most excited for, however, the fourth and final section may be the hardest for me: Sailing.

Reaching the Straight of Georgia, we'll come to British Columbia’s Gulf Islands. It is here that we will practice maritime travel via 36-foot keelboats. Fighting my proneness to motion sickness and introverted personality, I'll learn to conquer the northern pacific seas with my captain and crew.

Overall this course spans from March 4 - May 28 Starting in Tucson Arizona and ending in Seattle Washington.

-Casey Krummen - Wilderness Explorer