Out of the Woodwork | Page 39

NOLS SWNW Spring Semester on the Borders

I didn't have to think twice about applying to NOLS. The hard part was choosing one of the 100+ courses that the school offers. After pouring over several course descriptions that contained the skill sections I was interested in, I decided on SWNW Semester on the Borders.


The SWNW course begins at the NOLS Southwest base camp in Arizona. I'll spend the first week meeting instructors and course mates, earning Wilderness First-Aid and CPR certifications through the Wilderness Medical Institute, as well as preparing and packing enough food and supplies for the first couple of weeks.

The rest of the semester is comprised of four different sections each lasting from a few days to up to three weeks.

The first section will be spent backpacking through the Gila National Forest in New Mexico. Here we will be learning foundational skills such as outdoor living and cooking, wilderness travel techniques and navigation, minimum-impact camping, leadership, and teamwork. We will also have the chance to learn about the local ancient history and diverse desert ecosystem.

through the Wilderness Medical Institute, as well as preparing and packing enough food and supplies for the first couple of weeks.

The rest of the semester is comprised of four different sections each lasting from a few days to up to three weeks.

The first section will be spent backpacking through the Gila National Forest in New Mexico. Here we will be learning foundational skills such as outdoor living and cooking, wilderness travel techniques and navigation, minimum-impact camping, leadership, and teamwork. We will also have the chance to learn about the local ancient history and diverse desert ecosystem.

The second section of our time spent in the Southwest