Out of the Woodwork | Page 27

Tube socks, funky rhythms, and a whole lot of spunk. This helps make up the phenomena that is the band called Caroline Rose. Touring right now with on their album, I Will Not Be Afraid, the namesake of the band was able to take some time out of her schedule to answer some questions after catching up with her at her show at the Cedar Cultural Center

Q1: Tell us a little about yourself and how you started getting into music.

A1: I’ve always had a knack for music. I’ve always had a talent and interest for it. It’s actually kind of boring, but I started out playing piano and quit playing because of the homework. I then got into blues and Rock n Roll. When I was older I listened to tons of different music. My parents are artists so they introduced me to a lot of different types of music. So, I’ve always listened to different styles of music and that’s how I started playing. I listened to the masters and then covered their stuff.

I started street busking with a buddy, and we would go to rich part of towns and I realized it was a pretty sweet job to have. As I’ve gotten older I’ve played more and more of my own music until I stopped playing covers altogether. I realized I had a talent for

I’ve only been doing this professionally for a year, but I’ve been playing for a long time.

It took me a long time to decide this is what I wanted to do professionally. I had such a pure vision of what I wanted it to be, and I didn’t want that pure vision to be tainted.

songwriting and that came with growing up in a creative home.

I’ve only been doing this professionally for a year, but I’ve been playing for a long time.

It took me a long time to decide this is what I wanted to do professionally. I had such a pure vision of what I wanted it to be, and I didn’t want that pure vision to be tainted.

Q2: How did your band form?

A2: My band mate (Jer Coons) and I have been playing together for about six years. I opened a show for him and he offered to record some music for me since I didn’t have much recorded. He had just started a studio. He said he would do it for free if I came up to Vermont, and so I did. We hit it off right away and we emailed back and forth for months. So I went up there and we made a record and went around playing shows for months. The songs that were that recording are on the record we just put out. Even though those songs were written 6 years ago when I was 18 really stand out. He and I just kept making records together.

Interview with Caroline Rose