Our Webazine SEPTEMBER | Page 9

Do you regularly practice self care? I don’t mean things like going shopping, treating yourself to a manicure, big holidays. Those sorts of things are awesome, and sure, they still help you feel better in yourself, but I mean things that help to calm your mind, make you feel more balanced, a happier person to be around! Some ideas are below:

• Sitting outside by water, ie a

stream or the waves at the beach, or maybe at night by a fire, just listening to the sounds of nature or a crackling flame.

• Take a Yoga class.

• Get a massage.

• Snuggle under a soft blanket.

Cuddle someone or something you care about - loved one, a pet, a soft toy, even!

• Lie in the grass and stare up at the


• Do a craft project.

• Tick something off your to do list

that has been stressing you out.

• Practice Gratitude - get a diary

and write down all that is good in your life. There will be more than you think!

• Walk on the beach or in the bush.

• Get out in the garden.

• Just lie on the bed with the sun

streaming in, close your eyes and just daydream. You don’t need to sleep, just relax for 10 minutes and take a break.

There’s so many things you can do! If you were on a plane, and it was going down, they always say you need to put your own oxygen mask on before you help anyone else, and it is the same with this - look after yourself and you will be far better equipped to look after others.