Deprive yourself of these basic needs, and eventually those around you will suffer as well. It’s not selfish to look after yourself, everyone around you will benefit from it, not just you. Light your inner fire and let yourself shine, and it will reflect on everyone around you.
If it helps, write a list. I’m a bit of a list junkie, I like to write everything down, so I know what I need to do. If you need to schedule in “me time”, then do it. Otherwise days will pass and you haven’t taken any time for you. Start to practice it regularly, and you will start to feel a shift in your mindset. More positive, more relaxed, happier, maybe even more energy!
So give it a go. I would love to hear how you get on with it, and how you feel after taking care of #1 for awhile.
If, after reading all this, you would like more help with getting your wellbeing back on track, I offer a 12 week online programme called Happier, Fitter, Healthier, which will be starting it’s next round in September, just in time for Spring. I will help you to get fitter, more active, be nicer to yourself, and improve your all around lifestyle. See for more information!
Nikki Bollen runs MisFIT NZ, offering online Wellness and Personal Training services, as well as One to One Personal Training and Group Exercise Classes in Tauranga, where she lives with her husband, and 2 kids.