Our Webazine JUNE/JULY 2017 | Page 53

elaborate funerals for them, complete with a symbolic bowl of milk for favoured cats.

Because of this, before the Egyptians, dogs had an upper hand over cats, when there were people about. Cats would have had to rely on their natural agility to stay out of trouble, so for example living on roof tops or sitting on high fences to stay out of the dogs way.

Also Mother cats would have to leave their kittens to go hunting, in a safe hiding place, so would have put as much fear into neighbouring dogs as she could, so they would remain safe.

Because of this history, they still have not shaken off, their natural abilities. Dog’s still chase cats and cats still turn around and try to fight them off.

Good News: Cats and dogs do learn who is friend or foe, this is probably because of domestication, that their brains have changed and developed.

Puppies and kittens go through a “socialisation period”, when they learn who their mother is and how to behave towards other members of their own species, and also that humans are not to be feared. It’s only a lack of gentle contact with people during the formative first couple of months of their lives that drives cats and dogs to distrust humans.

Introducing dogs and cats:

Personality.- What’s the breed of

your dog? Greyhounds, terriers may never settle with a cat.

Does your cat stand up to dogs or go and hide?

Preparation.-Does your cat feel safe

in your home? Do you have elevated features so they feel safe?

Using scent- Your cat and dog need

to know each others scents

When your cat/dog arrives.. You want meeting each other to be positive, but will probably be negative. Allowing the dog too much freedom, initially, can result in your cat running ,so by using a harness and lead on your dog/puppy, they can smell each other but you can control the dog/puppy when needed and they can’t go running after the cat. Reward your dog for good behaviour. Give the cat space to observe the dog. Reward your cat with treats as well. Don’t punish your pet for bad behaviour as you want it to be a nice experience. Let them take their time in getting to know one another, you can’t force it.

Just spend time with them and enjoy everyone’s company and make it a very special contact time

Maree Rowe

I am a wife, Mum to 2 adult children and Granny to 2 wonderful grandchildren. I have always had a love of knitting and sewing, since a child, thanks to my grandmother and mum.

I have always knitted and sewn for my children and since having the grandies, i have returned after a break between little children to begin again.

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