Can your cat and
dog get along?
Dog’s don’t like cat’s? Or Cat’s don’t like Dog’s?
Is this your scenario at your place, your cat usually ends up running away with dog in tow, running after them and barking!!!! This happens at my place all the time. It’s so frustrating and annoying, isn’t it.
History says that dog’s were originally domesticated by our Hunter/gatherer ancestors, that was around 15,000 or longer, years ago. So by the time cats came along, dogs were playing a big part in our lives, hunting alongside us, guarding our homes, herding our flocks and even keeping us warm at night.
Cats first started hanging around our houses around 10,000, or so years ago.. This was because we were storing food in our houses and grain in our sheds, so mice started becoming a big problem and we needed to get rid of them. Eventually we started to like the cats, which was possibly another 4000 years later, when we have evidence of Egyptians having
By Maree Rowe
Owner of Lil Paws