Our Voice February 2014 - Annual Black History Edition | Page 10

of regular and blended bar drinks that can be served as "virgin" concoctions, without alcohol. Favorites include piña coladas and bloody marys. Ask the catering or bar manager ahead of time to prepare some daring but delicious “Signature” drinks, to tease and titillate the taste buds of your guests. Don't forget to include Shirley Temples and Roy Rogers for kids of all ages, with lots of cherries and fruit slices on the side.

Any or all of these alternatives will help keep guests in good spirits, without the need for spirits. If dancing is planned, no doubt there will be a serious need for some liberal libations. At a minimum, make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic alternatives such as juices, sodas and water available for guest.

OUR VOICE: What was the some of the best wedding food experiences you've had during your career as a wedding planner?

SHOVANA: A traditional Asian Cuisine. It is customary for them to have a 9-10 course meal during their wedding ceremony. I love the wide variety of foods served during their weddings.

OUR VOICE: In your many years in your chosen profession, what do you enjoy most about being a wedding planner?

SHOVANA: I am always enthralled when I am giving the opportunity to assist two people with the planning and or coordinating of one of the most memorable milestones in two people’s lives—marriage. Being given this honor in opportunity time and time again is …..Priceless.

OUR VOICE: In addition to being Black History Month, it is also the month for Lovers. With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, for those looking to put on something extravagant for their significant other what would you offer that client?

SHOVANA: Allowing one of our EA Event Setup Designer designers to stage an extravagant (cost effective), and romantic setting in either your home, hotel, B&B or any secluded space/environment where you can spend some one-on-one time with that special someone to recommit your relationship with. People shouldn’t wait until 2/14, to come around every year to tell their significant other that they love and care for them. These feelings should be expressed throughout the year.

OUR VOICE: How do you think couples can most effectively use your services as a wedding planner?

SHOVANA: I think a professional wedding planner can offer a couple a successful planning and execution of their wedding day. Wedding Planning/Coordinating requires an understanding of many disciplines –including audio-visual, budgeting and financial analysis, food and beverage, design, entertainment, flowers, graphic design and methods of printing, hospitality law and contracts, lighting, music, photography, transportation, videography and wedding cakes. What separates the pros from the novices is a solid track record of producing hundreds of weddings, maintaining quality relationships with many wedding service providers and keeping current with the latest trends. This experience gives the Wedding Planner the foundational knowledge to effectively assist the client(s) with the research, design, planning and execution of their wedding, which includes the following specific tasks:

◦Developing a detailed budget for your wedding

◦Selecting the most suitable site(s) for your celebration

◦Recommending appropriate vendors that fit with your taste and budget

◦Scheduling appointments with vendors

◦Performing cost analyses of vendor proposals

◦Effectively negotiating contracts through an understanding of hospitality law

These are just some of the top 5 important task that a wedding planner can help navigate a couple through the wedding planning channels, that will not only save them time, but money and aggravation, as well. Couples generally don’t find this out until it’s too late.

OUR VOICE: I am sure you have your horror stories and fair share of Bridezillas. So, tell the readers what are the most challenging aspects of being a wedding planner?

SHOVANA: The most challenging aspect of being a wedding planner is immediately gaining the trust of our client, and getting them to that place prior to their event that they trust you explicitly, and relinquish total control over to you so that you can do what you were hire to do.

OUR VOICE: Although you do all aspects of event planning the bulk of your business are weddings moving away from the glory and the excitement of it all I have a two part question for you. On the flip side of the business, we are coming up on March 23, 2014 which is National Black Marriage Day – in your opinion do you think there is a need for special attention gear to help or counsel Black Americans handle or prepare for marriage? And secondly, do you believe there is a decline in Black Marriages? If so, what are your opinions?

SHOVANA: Yes, I do believe there is a decline in black marriages. No. I don’t believe that we need a National Black Marriage Day (our own special day). I believe that we should continue to build upon the relationships of our sons/daughters to be better young men and women. I believe that we as parents need to be a better example in our own relationships (married or not), of what a women/man relationship should be; having respect for one another is key in ensuring a happy a health relationship.

I believe that pre-marital counseling should be a state mandate prior to be allowed to get married.

10 Our Voice / February, 2014