Our Paragraph Portfolio Author's Circle Paragraph Portfolio | Page 11

    “The End”    A mixed feeling of justice and crude happiness descended upon the crowd gathered in the prison  yard. The gallows rose high above the masses of people, strong and imposing. The tense silence was  broken as a man with a cloth bag draped over his head stepped heavily up onto the platform. The eager  rabble cheered as the poor man’s hands were bound behind his back. The noose was placed carefully  around his neck and stiffly tightened. He was nudged into position above the trapdoor, bringing him  closer and more precisely aligned for his demise. Bang! There was a loud sound as the trapdoor swung  swiftly open and made contact with the frame. The man fell through the opening and was jerked  upward by the rope, leaving him dangling and twitching for what seemed like hours. Finally, the  resistants keeping him alive ceased, and he was left nothing but a corpse--an empty shell void of life.  -Filey Schack and Avraham Rosen