Our Paragraph Portfolio Author's Circle Paragraph Portfolio | Page 10
A book is a magical thing. From the very beginning, a book quivers in your hands, waiting to be
read. As you open the book, the pages rustle like leaves, flying through the wind. You smell the fine,
clean scent of the first page and see stark, inviting, black ink letters engraved on it, and, holding the
hand of your brown, fluffy teddy bear, the two of you dive into the story. All other distractions fade
away from your mind, and a vacuum comes, sucking you deeper into the book. Now it’s just you and
your book, in your own world. You are hypnotised by the book, and the words float around you,
unread. You start reading, and see the story outfolding before you, chapter by chapter. You want to
pull away, but the exit has closed doors; something prevents you from leaving. When you finish a
chapter, you can finally withdraw, for the doors are open, but again something prevents your exit. The
main character is about to do something heroic! But then, feeling homesick, you pull your head out,
just before the doors close again. You look at the time, ticking before you, and realize you've been
reading for more than an hour. Its late!
-Dani Scheiner