The Winter Months Can Be
Tough For Caregivers
Together, We Can Help
When you are a caregiver, taking time to
care for yourself can be a huge challenge. Finding
an hour or two for quiet, personal time is important
for everyone, but for caregivers, setting aside this
private time can become even harder. In the winter
months, many caregivers feel especially isolated and
even depressed, making the situation seem even more
difficult. If you know someone who is a caregiver in
your community, this might be just the moment when
you can make a difference.
Long-term care – an issue that affects people
of all ages – is America’s next great challenge, one
that will have far-reaching implications for every
generation and every corner of society. It is estimated
that seven of ten people turning age 65 will need help
to live independently at some point in their lives.
We know that across the country, and right here in
Maine, the vast majority of our residents want to live
independently, and at home, as they age. In most
cases, they will count on family caregivers to make
that possible.
Family caregivers are the backbone of longterm care in the United States. They provide unpaid
care valued at an estimated $450 billion annually.
However, the number of family caregivers available
to support older Americans will drop in the coming
years as boomers age. In Maine, 50 people are turning
65 every day. This massive demographic shift has
implications for every generation and will profoundly
affect current and future caregivers in our state.
Simply put, over time more people will be dependent
on fewer family caregivers.
With the holidays and winter months now in
full swing, perhaps we should all take a look outside of
our own hectic holiday traditions and busy schedules
and see if someone we know needs one of the best
gifts of all: the gift of time and support.
There are many ways to offer others some
relief from the stresses of caregiving. For example,
if you know someone who has not been able to leave
their house because of caregiving duties, perhaps you
could offer to lend a hand one afternoon so they can
get out and do their holiday or grocery shopping
or have lunch with a friend. Care