Our House e-newsletter November & December 2012 | Page 5
who find themselves homeless because of economic
reasons, because of the great recession. Tim and I talked,
and I told him about the many families and individuals
we serve at Our House who fit that exact profile. Tim
asked if I could take some photos of the families whose
stories I had shared. I shot rough footage of two families
in The Shelter telling their stories.
A week later, I was in New York meeting with Tim and
his boss one-on-one at 30 Rock. They had already found
another family to profile, a family in Tennessee. For a
moment, it seemed like this great opportunity for
national exposure would pass us by. But Tim was moved
by our resident Darlene’s story. He called the crew that
was shooting in Tennessee and told them about the
change of plans. They weren’t going back to New York.
They were first coming to Arkansas.
A five-person crew and a van full of equipment accompanied Ann Curry -- two sound guys, two camera men,
and Tim, our new friend and producer.
continued on pg 6