to them, “you are valued.” These children are not only healing,
they are excelling. They are doing well in math. They are serving
the community. They are winning step dance competitions. Our
teens are teaching their peers how to avoid the temptation of
Many of the rooms in our Children’s Center tell stories as well.
R. Barry Sorrells was a best friend, a cherished brother, a son.
He loved exploring new things. He was an engineer. Now, in his
honor and memory, 90 school-age youths who might not have
been exposed to technology are learning and exploring the digital
world in a technology room named after him.
Below: Janet Brown packs the last of the baby socks & toys from the little room
where she took care of babies for 17 years. As she packed, she said she’s sad that
those days are over, but she’s definitely ready to move to the new building.