Our House e-newsletter Fall 2014 | Page 12

Michelle Barnes, Housing Manager Most people find out about us through other community resources (churches, social workers, family members, employers, etc.). Others will find us on the web. The Our House website gives a ton of information about our housing programs and the ability to download our shelter intake form. Jessica Suitor, CAFSI Case Manager The main way CAFSI (Central Arkansas Family Stability Institute) gets clients is when a family is exiting Our House’s housing programs. We provide continual support for the families as they transition into permanent housing with the goal of maintaining long-term stability. Another way is through our Learning Center or Children’s Programs. CAFSI also has partnerships with local organizations that serve low-income families. CAFSI also gets referrals when families call Our House for shelter, rental assistance, or utility assistance. When we don’t have beds available in our Shelter, CAFSI is another way we can serve families to prevent them from becoming homeless. People can call our CAFSI Case Managers directly at 501-374-7283 ext. 136, 241, or 234.