Q. What prompted you to
consider that you might benefit
from wearing hearing aids?
At the age of 13 I was given NHS
aids as I was diagnosed with a
severe hearing loss. At 21 my
hearing loss then progressed to
severe. At this point I got an MRI
scan and was diagnosed with
otosclerosis in the middle ear.
Nuala Donnellan
This led me to receiving a middle
ear implant. More recently I
didn’t feel I was getting enough
from my hearing aids so I went
privately to get better technology.
If people can, they
should get them
as they really are
life changing.
Q. Did you have any particular
style of hearing aid in mind when
you first visited the audiologist?
I didn’t have a style and I didn’t
do research – I didn’t know what
was on the market or what the
prices were. I was getting a lot of
infections because of the full shell
mould. At times I had to take this
out and I was at a loss completely.
I wanted better technology
and wanted to be able to hear
more frequencies. I felt this was
important to avoid losing my
speech or language, I wanted to
keep this ability at the level I was
used to. My friends were saying to
me I wasn’t saying things correctly
and they had to teach me how to
pronounce things. Since getting
my new hearing aids, people
have noticed that my vocabulary
is improving. I’ve noticed that my
speech is improving with them too.