Our Community 2023 | Page 23

OSF Cares-4-Kids also is a program to provide education on healthy lifestyle choices that promote positive mental health . It consists of nutrition games , calming art projects , and physical activity . Kids then take home a tool / prize to promote physical activity at home .
Children are encouraged to limit recreational screen time to 1-2 hours per day and exercise at least 1 hour every day .
The program served 437 elementary school kids in fall of 2022 and spring of 2023 .
OSF still has the Faith in Action program for
handicapped-accessible ramps and other services .
In OSF volunteer services , 38 active volunteers performed 4,600 hours of service last year .
“ They do a lot for us ... and they are really a devoted , committed group that are fun to work with ,” Ozier said .
OSF would love to have more volunteers .
New project — concierge / welcome cart .
“ Aligned with our Mission of serving with the greatest care and love , we developed a
Kelly Parker , RN manager for Carle ’ s mobile health services . Provided photo
cart to get the volunteers out and about to visit with patients and visitors . The cart consists
of word searches , crosswords , bibles , prayer cards , and toys / games for kids ,” according to Ozier .
Ozier said they get phone calls from the public for ramps and housing assistance and transportation , and OSF works with other not-for-profits to help people .
OSF helps fund the Charity Tracker online database where non-profits work together to help people with needs , such as getting a mattress or something else .
“ We all work better together ,” Ozier said .
OSF Care-A-Van . Provided photo