OUR CODE OF ETHICS Our Code of Ethics | Page 3

All actions performed by the Lantero Group are based on respect, professionalism, honesty and integrity towards all people. The core principles that govern our actions are: Our commitment to human and labour rights The Group’s employees must strictly comply with the relevant legislation in force wherever they are working. Environmental protection Data protection The Group upholds environmental values in all its activities, complying at all times with current environmental legislation and minimizing the impact of its activities, the generation of waste, and energy and water consumption at all its facilities. The Group respects its employees’ right to privacy, particularly in terms of their personal, medical and economic/financial data. Compliance with the law 03 PRINCIPLES OF CONDUCT Non-discrimination The Group avoids all forms of discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, ideology, religion, nationality, social origin, sexual orientation, political opinions and any other personal, physical or social condition of its employees. More specifi- cally, the Group promotes the equal treatment of men and women in terms of access to employment, hiring, training, promotion and working conditions. Likewise, it rejects all forms of intimidation, violen- ce, physical, sexual, psychological and moral harassment, and all forms of abuse of authority. The Group declares its commitment to human rights, with particular emphasis on those provisions related to child and forced labour. Our principles Health and safety The Group promotes occupational health and safety, informing its employees and raising aware- ness in order to encourage them to behave responsibly and take the necessary preventative measures to minimize occupational risks. Work-life balance The Group respects its employees’ personal and family lives, promoting work-life balance programs to facilitate a balance between work and lifestyles. 5